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Academic Publications.



The Cancer Problem: Malignancy in Nineteenth-Century Britain, (Oxford University Press, 2021) Audiobook also available.

Feelings and Work in Modern History: Emotional Labour and Emotions about Labour, (Bloomsbury, 2022), co-edited with Alison Moulds


Cold, Hard Steel: The Myth of the Modern Surgeon, (Manchester University Press, 2023)


Nostalgia: A Biography(Picador, 2024)





Ordinary People and the 1979 Royal Commission on the NHS, Twentieth Century British History, (January 2023)


Lessons from History: Obstacles to Promoting Doctors’ Emotional Health, New England Journal of Medicine, (January 2022), co-authored with Dr Jacob Moses and Samuel Schotland


The Social and Emotional World of Twentieth-Century Anglo-American SurgeryBulletin of the History of Medicine, (January 2022)

Racing Pulses: Gender, Professionalism, and Healthcare in Medical Romance Fiction, History Workshop Journal, (July 2021)


Gender & Pain in Nineteenth-Century Cancer Care, Gender and History, (March 2020) 


A Small Cemetery: Death and Dying in the Contemporary British Operating Theatre, Medical Humanities, (July 2019) 


Mapmaking and Mapthinking: Cancer as a Problem of Place in Nineteenth-Century England, Social History of Medicine, (October 2018) 


Pathology of Progress? Locating the Historiography of Cancer, British Journal for the History of Science, (December 2016)


Clio in the Operating Theatre: Historical Research, Emotional Health, and Surgical Training in Contemporary Britain, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, forthcoming


Medical Press​


Reading The National Plan For Health Workforce Well-Being Through The Lens Of HistoryHealth Affairs Forefront, (December 2022)


Building Utopia from Disaster: Could the Pandemic Show a Way to Better Healthcare?British Medical Journal, (December 2021)


Polarisation, Incivility, and Scientific Debate During Covid-19British Medical Journal, (August 2021)


Has COVID-19 put practitioners back in touch with their reasons for becoming healthcare professionals?, BMJ Opinion, (April 2020)


Resilience in Surgery, British Journal of Surgery (March 2020)


Sexism in Surgery: Little Has Changed, BMJ Opinion, (January 2019)


The Emotional Side of Surgery, Journal for Trauma and Orthopaedics, co-written with Alison Moulds


Doctors’ Wellbeing: Learning from the Past Can Help Improve the Future, British Medical Journal, (October 2018)


Surgery and Emotional Health, Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons, co-written with Alison Moulds, (September 2018)


Operating with Feeling: Emotions in Contemporary Surgery, Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons, (January 2018)


Book Chapters


"A Rebellion of the Cells": Cancer, Modernity and Decline in Fin-de-Siecle Britain, in Sally Shuttleworth, Melissa Dickson and Emilie Taylor-Brown (eds.), Progress and Pathology: Medicine and Culture in the Nineteenth Century, (Manchester University Press, 2020)


The Pre-History of the Paleo Diet: Cancer and Dietary Innovation in Nineteenth-Century Britain, in David Gentlicore and Matthew Smith (eds.), Proteins, Pathologies, and Politics, (Bloomsbury, 2018)

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